Pledge Card - Hospice of Spokane

Personal Information

Help us better understand our donor base.

Payroll Deduction
Your Number of Pay Periods
Optional Designation Area
I would like to designate my gift, I have read United Ways Designation Policy
To designate a gift your non-profit must be an active 501(c)(3) agency. Minimum gift is $25 per agency you designate.
Be advised that designated gifts are not reviewed by Spokane County United Way nor are the agencies held accountable by United Way for results of these gifts. Fundraising / administrative costs will be deducted. Designations under $25 will not be processed and will instead be treated as donations to Spokane County United Way.
Non-profit agency #1
Provide detailed information about your 501(c)(3) agency
Non-profit agency #2
Non-profit agency #3
My signature below, confirms my payroll deduction request as stated above.
Sign above